Part 2: Fit for stock delivery instructions

Requirements for delivery, palletisation, packaging and barcoding vary per product group. The current requirements for each product group are outlined in detail in this part.

All products must be delivered in packaging suitable for both storage and transport to the consumer (suitable for dispatch and return). If you need additional advice, please ask your contact person. Damaged products and products that do not meet the agreed requirements will not be accepted. Any expenses incurred shall at all times be for the account of the supplier. If you are unable to perform fit for stock deliveries, you must register as a customer at Timing, see appendix 1.

Fit for stock deliveries to LSC Zwolle can be divided into four groups:




























1 Provided it has been agreed that hanging delivery of this product range is permitted.

2 With items it means three identical items in their consumer packaging



Logistics Service Centre Zwolle is unable to process any items which exceed the following specifications: maximum 15 kg maximum 100 cm (largest side) or maximum 150 litres.